Whether you prefer the traditional soak-off method or the innovative Press Off Removal Serum, we've got you covered with step-by-step instructions. Say goodbye to the frustration of removing stubborn press-ons and hello to a hassle-free nail transformation!

How To Remove Press On Nails

Don't forget the importance of patience – when it comes to removing your press-on nails, taking your time is key to safeguarding your natural nails. Rushing to pry them off prematurely could lead to peeling and damage to your own nails.

Tools You'll Need:

  • a small ceramic or glass bowl

  • liquid soap or pure acetone

  • an orange wood stick or metal cuticle pusher

  1. The fastest way to remove press-ons is to soak them in a small ceramic or glass bowl filled with acetone nail polish remover.

  2. Acetone may cause damage to the press ons - making them unusable.

  3. Warm soapy water is the best way to remove press on nails without causing damage to the press ons, but may take longer to remove.

  4. Soak until the glue breaks down and the nails become loose enough to effortlessly pull them off or until they fall off on their own.

  5. This method works for press-on nails that you have to glue on yourself and the ones that have the adhesive already on them.

  • tip: the longer you've worn your press on nails, the easier they will be to remove.

🎥 watch our tutorial: https://youtu.be/KdhT4O540g0?si=MQZk_KwFRswycieW


Press Off Remover

Tools You'll Need:


  1. Gently create a gap: Slide a wooden cuticle stick gently under any loose edges around the cuticle or sides of the Press On to create a small gap for the removal serum to work.
  2. Apply Serum and Wait: Generously apply the removal serum under the sides of the nails and let it sit for 2-4 minutes.
  3. Gently Remove: Keep close to your natural nail and gently push the wooden cuticle stick underneath the sides of the press on nail until the nail pops off easily with light pressure. 
    Don’t use force when removing. 
    Repeat steps one and two as needed until all nails come off easily.
  4. Aftercare: Wash hands and press on nails with soap and water within five minutes of removing. Cleaning the press on nails is essential to maintain their appearance for re-use (if desired). 

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